Transhemispheric (residency*) Programme is again conducting on-site and transatlantic sessions…

The transhemispheric sessions are conducted so to pursue the guiding principles of TH(r*)P, as well as to explore and challenge modes of ‘residency’ as local & at distance research & collaboration.

Key events organised by Transhemisférica have taken place as site-visits to potential research residency spaces and environs in Puerto Rico, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland. The sessions include travel by respective members of the group, to visit said sites, to meet other artists and scientists, as well as by conducting a series of Zoom meetings and week-long, online events.

Some of the sites already visited by way of the programme are: Contemporary Art Archipelago (CAA, Turku FI), Cabezas de San Juan and Pico del Este atmospheric observatories (Fajardo/Rio Grande PR), Garden of Medicinal & Venomous Plants and the Old Aqueduct of the Piedras River at the Agricultural Experimental Station of University of Puerto Rico (Rio Piedras PR), Under Tallarna (Järna SE), Art Lab Gnesta (Gnesta SE), Las Lunas biodiversity studies station (Caguas PR), Hacienda La Esperanza reforestation station (Manatí PR), Curatorial Residency In Stockholm (CRIS, SE), La Esquina (Viejo San Juan PR), and the Biodiversity Unit of the University of Turku (Turku FI), among others.

The session participants: Marco Abarca (CR), Rebecca Adorno (PR), Martín Ávila (Konstfack.ARG/SE), Carmen Bachier (U.PR), Eugenio Ballou (PR), Magnus Bärtås (Konstfack.SE), María Benedetti (PR), Ada Bobonis (PR), Carolina Caycedo (COL), Florian Dombois (ZHdK.CH/DE), Jorge González (PR), Jorge Haddock (U.PR), Signe Johannessen (SE), Erik Rören (SE), Maria Lantz (Konstfack.SE), Edgar Lebrón (PR), Olga Mayol (U.PR), Jorge Miranda Massari (U.PR), Lotta Petronella (FI), Sami Tallberg (FI), Marina Reyes (PR), María Rossi (PR), Eugenio Santiago Valentín (U.PR), Anayra Santory (PR), Meike Schalk (KTH.SE/DE), Anton Schubert (FI), Nikolina Ställborn (SE), Jaime and Javier Suárez (PR), Mai Ulrikka Sydendal (DK), Ilppo Vuorinen (FI) and Theis Wendt (DK); along with members of the working group Taru Elfving (FI), Jonatan Habib Engqvist (SE), Michy Marxuach (PR), Ferdy Lloveras (PR), Maria Kamilla Larsen (DK), and Luis Berríos-Negrón (PR).

For more information about the programme visit Intransitive Journal

Session Autumn 2023 Seili | Själö

Transhemisférica reunites to restart the programme after the corona hiatus… the meeting took place at the Contemporary Art Archipelago | Turku University’s environmental research station on the isle of Seili | Själö during week 38 of 2023.

Previous Sessions 2018-20

Transhemisférica sessions took place in Puerto Rico, Stockholm, Helsinki, and Copenhagen between 2018 & 2020 when programme was interrupted by the pandemic.


Tribute to the Messenger